Sunday, June 20, 2010

The catch of the day!

We spent a lovely Saturday afternoon at the Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden for a ward primary activity. Nate and I couldn't get over how beautiful this place was! Heaven on earth! Quiet, tranquil, majestic all rolled into one. The highlight was fishing in the lake with a bamboo poll and watching little Edison's face light up when we pulled a big orange fish! Another sweet moment to add to our Hawaii Bank of Memories.

If you ever come to Oahu, come and visit this place!,+HI&cid=6085936552712260703

The $6 dollar mango

Ok, this isn't the most exciting of posts, but I have to tell someone that I paid $6 for a single piece of fruit. It just kind of seemed like a big deal when we purchased it. It was a huge Kona King mango, and we were kind of sucked into buying it by a sweet lady in China Town. But we justified it as an "investment" in our Hawaii Bank of Memories. Was biting into a thick piece of sweet juicy mango worth $6? You bet it was.

King Kamehameha Day Parade

Living in the city gives us instant access to all the events downtown. This is the Kamehameha Day parade, commemorating King Kamehameha V. It's a holiday as well! Wahoo, gotta love Hawaii.

Here is the King Kamehameha Statue adorned in leis from the city.

Here is the king himself!

The lovely Princess of Kauai.

Ok, lets be honest. This post was really for this picture of the Kings Guards. Check them out! Huge! That's real Hawaiian blood there. We all stood in awe.