Monday, April 6, 2009

Celebrating a Mom

Glasses on, hair not done, half ready for the day, blowing out candles with a crying baby...the video says it all. Needless to say it was a great day.


Chelsea said...

happy belated birthday, sis! I told Ryan all last week that I needed to remember to call you and I then proceeded to...not call you! I'm so sorry! I hope you had a fabulous day and you got a little reprieve from being a baby soother and milk machine for at least a few extra hours.

We sure wish we lived closer!

Love you guys,

Chelsea (and Ryan and Thunder)

Ms. Bananie said...

Yay! Happy Birthday! Ah, the joys of motherhood! (Glad your wish came true!)
: D

leah said...

Ah, I totally know how that is- birthdays are a little different as a mother :) I think Et wasn
t crying but was SINGING happy birthday with you :) Just think, when he turns 1, 10, or 20, HE'LL be the one wishing for you to stop crying!

jamie said...

grr...i thought about you on your birthday, but neglected to call--happy birthday!